What to do if you are the target of hate speech?

Where to find help

What to do if you are the target of hate speech?

The key in combating hate speech is early intervention, reacting to its manifestations – giving a clear signal that we do not agree with this type of speech. In a situation where we become the addressees of scornful, demeaning or hurtful statements, we should talk to someone we trust, a close friend, and not remain alone in the face of hate speech. When you are the addressee of hate speech, take advantage of professional psychological therapy or another form of specialized support to help you return to mental balance. Young people can also use a nationwide, free and anonymous helpline. In the situation of being harmed by hate speech or witnessing hate speech, it is also worth taking advantage of institutional support using support institutions operating at the University of Warsaw, among others, and report to the Student Ombudsman, Academic Ombudsman, Psychological Assistance Center, Faculty Equality Officers, as well as the UW Law Clinic. In the case of hate speech, we may also have to deal with the commission of a crime, including, among others, Article 119 of the Penal Code, which speaks of discrimination based on ethnic, national, racial political affiliation, Article 256 of the Penal Code, which criminalizes the crime of inciting hatred based on national, ethnic, racial differences, or Article 257 of the Penal Code, which criminalizes public insult. In such a situation, you can file a criminal complaint. It is also worthwhile to contribute to the fight against hate speech and co-create a space open to all, build a sense of community between members of minorities and the majority society, engage in anti-discrimination actions and activities.